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Body Blendz Coconut Delight Ayyaya Coco Jumbo Coffee Scrub | ThePopHeir | Product Review

The Internet is heaps of coffee scrubs available. I have teamed up with Body Blendz to review one of their delicious body scrubs.

The coconut scrub is highly hydrating and great for assisting with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. I do not suffer from these conditions so I am unable to comment on these claims. The product contains ground & roasted arabica beans, sea salt, dessicated coconut flakes, extra virgin coconut oil, sweet almond oil, macademia oil & Jojoba oil. 

The company recommends that this product be used on wet skin as this oftens the skin preparing it for manual exfoliation. They also recommend leaving it on the skin for 5 - 10 minutes for the skin to receive the full benefits of the product. A moisturiser can be applied post shower if need be. 

My Experience

The product itself are what you would expect from any coffee scrub, coffee granules with dried coconut flakes. I honestly could not smell any hint of coconut upon opening the pack, the aroma of coffee overpowered any other scents. The granules are large and do dissolve once applied to wet skin. I have been using the product for 3 weeks now and have seen a big improvement in my skin, compared to use using a loofa.

My skin is fairly normal with dry elbows and knees. The skin around my chest is quite sensitive and tends to react to a lot of products. I found that if I rubbed for too long around the chest with the product that it gave me a slight burning sensation, however I did not find this the case when it came to other parts of my body. Now I simply do not scrub too much around the chest and I find that it minimises the problem. 

I was very surprised after using it for the first time that my skin was very hydrated, post shower. I found the scrub to be quite dry but once rinsed off it left a light film of oil which was hydrating enough that I could skip moisturising. Overall I am in love with the product!


Overall, i am in love with the product! I highly recommend it, if you are on the market for a new body scrub. You can purchase your own scrub from their website and they ship internationally. 

(Disclaimer: This product was sent to me for review purposes. All opinions shared are my own. I believe I have tried out the product long enough to give my opinion)


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