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What Makeup Means To Me

Ah makeup. What is about paint on one's face that makes it so us love it so much? It takes time and effort not only to apply it but also to remove it. Not to mention it can cost a fair bit depending on where you shop. 
My Story

My love for makeup started when I was probably around 18. I have worn makeup before I was 18, like say around 14-15, but it was more like the odd lipgloss, powder and blush. I first started wearing makeup because I felt insecure about my looks. At the age of 14/15 many of start to notice things about ourselves that we many not like. If you don't notice it, the public will notice it for you. At that fragile age, you usually get over it or do something about it. I simply opted for makeup. 

My first ever makeup product was a lipgloss. I had no idea what gloss was for at the time, I just bought it because I thought it was something you put on your lips and bam you're ready for the runway. It was a really cheap, scented oil lipgloss and I used it then realised it looked like I just dipped my lips in oil. Got rid of that. I then moved on to face powder and this led to me foundation. My first foundation was a powder foundation and it didn't go so well. I was still living in Asia at the time and the only colours available were mostly for fair skinned people. Eventually I found a few products that sort of worked with my skin tone.

It wasn't until I was around 18 that I started to really invest in makeup and did not just put it on because it helped with my confidence but because I enjoyed the whole process of applying. I saw it as an art. It amazed me how a few dabs of, essentially face paint, can either enhance or change your appearance. Though I still do not enjoy the removal process! 

As a beauty blogger and YouTuber, I enjoy watching and reading other people's thoughts and opinions on products. This obviously made me want to try out things for myself and see how it worked for me and in turn share it with other people. It gives me great pleasure to try out different kinds of makeup and seeing the potential it has.

Now that I am in my mid 20s, I have developed more confidence in myself. I do not need makeup to feel amazing and look amazing on a daily basis. That being said I will put effort in making myself presentable when the situation calls for it. Makeup has transformed how I see that world and love the makeup world. It is art and our faces are the canvases.

I would love to hear from you guys. What is does makeup mean to you?


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